DriverPack Solution

This is the DriverPack solution tutorial that will be written by Артур Кузяков.DriverPack Solution is the OpenSource program that makes the job of finding and automatically installing drivers a pleasure. For his work, the program uses DriverPacks that makes it possible to install the drivers in the offline mode on pre-installed operating system. A download is not getting driver from the internet service we use Download: (including DriverPacks) (without DriverPacks) (test builds)  

Step 1: Download & first run

Download: (including DriverPacks) (without DriverPacks) (test builds)

First run

If you download the full version (with DriverPacks), then you're ready to go!

If you downloaded the version without DriverPacks, you will see the error.

  1. Get the appropriate DriverPacks here and place them in a folder "drp".
  2. Start DriverPack Solution and allow to make the indexing. This is necessary for fast search.
The program is ready to use!  

Step 2: Installation & update drivers

Installation drivers

In the tab "Installation", you can see how many drivers are not installed. Click "Install all" to install drivers.

Update driversIn the tab "Update", you can see how many drivers are not update. Click "Update all" to update drivers.